Evolution Health and Wellness | Port Orange, FL

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Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic Services

Evolution Health & Wellness offers chiropractic services to our clients. Chiropractors employ numerous treatment methods to remove structural or nervous system irritation that may contribute to a client’s symptoms. Treatment typically consists of a history and physical examination before making manual manipulations (chiropractic adjustments). Our goal is to reduce discomfort and restore the function of the affected body parts. Chiropractic care is an excellent complementary treatment that can be combined with other traditional care you receive.

A chiropractic adjustment improves the placement of your joints and is also called spinal manipulation. Our licensed chiropractor will reduce your discomfort and straighten your posture. We also ensure that the surrounding muscles are optimally functioning. This excellent complimentary treatment can be combined with other traditional care you receive. We’ll perform a physical and history examination prior to starting the procedure. We provide manual adjustments and electrostimulation treatments for patients.

Our Chiropractic Services improve conditions such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Persistent headaches
  • Joint aches and dysfunction
  • Lower back discomfort
  • Neck discomfort
  • Sciatica
  • Stiff muscles


The Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments and treatments reduce symptoms that cause discomfort to the musculoskeletal system. The goal is to improve function and reduce nerve irritability while restoring the range of motion in the back and joints. Chiropractic manipulation is recommended for inclusion in the early treatment of lower back pain. We commonly treat patients with mild to moderate aches, muscle stiffness, and chronic conditions. This option is excellent for patients who want a natural treatment without prescription medications.

Chiropractic manual adjustments reduce symptoms that cause discomfort to the musculoskeletal system. We commonly treat patients with mild to moderate aches, muscle stiffness, or chronic conditions. This option is excellent for patients who would like a natural treatment without using prescription medications. Electrostimulation stimulates muscles to prevent atrophy and improve strength. It delivers mild electrical pulses to the muscle group. We’ll put electrodes on your skin to activate muscle contractions. The nerves absorb the electrical stimulation resulting in reduced discomfort. The electrodes are aimed at several areas of the nervous system to block pain signals sent to the spine and brain.


Chiropractic adjustments are the most common treatment option in the United States. 

A chiropractic adjustment can be performed on a wide range of patients. Most patients who get this treatment are 45-64 years. 

We’ll discuss your medical history and perform a physical exam. We may also perform an x-ray, computed tomography scan, and magnetic resonance imaging scan. Once we learn about your symptoms and the cause of your discomfort, we’ll determine a customized treatment plan based on the exam results. 

A chiropractic adjustment reduces migraines, neck aches, and symptoms of chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis. It improves your posture and your spine and joint range of motion. 

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